著重開心愉快及體驗式學習經歷,貼心導師以絕不死板方式使學員從接觸音樂至愛上音樂;除各樂器樂理教授外,並提供多種服務:彈奏心愛流行曲速成課、錄製音樂專緝甚至Music Video〔作求婚、婚禮、禮物甚至完成夢想〕、各比賽伴奏、宴會演奏、親子鋼琴課程〔已專業數碼鋼琴使家長及子女一同製作心愛樂曲〕、司琴伴奏、樂團採排訓練及演出統籌、專業鋼琴調音及維修、錄音室租用。可已粵語、英語或普通話教授!

宗旨(Aims): 透過乒乓球訓練, 鼓勵不同的年齡,文化,技能水準參舆體育運動(Encourage different people of all ages, cultures, skills level to involve physical exercises with the help of table tennis. 教學特點(Teaching characteristics): 因材施

通過趣味活動教學, 小朋友不知不覺愛上普通話, 學習語言無難度!

Call2translate provides ISO9001, DIN EN 15038 Certified Vietnamese to English translation services in Raffles Place, Singapore. Accurate and reliable certified translation services for all type of doc
S商業 / 翻譯Singapore Translators

各優惠拍攝套餐熱賣中!獲獎香港婚禮攝影師,為你度身訂造拍攝每個別出心裁的 Pre-wedding 婚紗照,用照片記錄著每個真實浪漫的場面,拍攝地點包括香港、澳門及海外各地。
結婚 / 香港婚紗攝影Kenneth Lee Photography

各優惠拍攝套餐熱賣中!獲獎香港婚禮攝影師 Kenneth,為你度身訂造拍攝每個別出心裁的婚禮,用照片記錄著每個真實浪漫的婚禮場面,拍攝地點包括香港及海外各地。
結婚 / 香港婚紗攝影Kenneth Lee Photography

如學員於首2期課程仍未學懂泳術將獲免費補課 , 承諾包學識以正確泳姿游泳達15米 ~ 本人是專業游泳教練,持有政府認可 *香港業餘游泳總會註冊教練 *香港拯溺總會教師證書 *香港城市大學理學士,英語流利 *曾任教國際學校及康文署之游泳教練,私人教練 *歡迎小童/成人初學游泳或改良泳姿,四式均可 *個人或小組教授,時間地點任擇 *安全第一,正統泳術,資深經驗 *方法有效令學員培養

Our Maids We choose our employees with the same care you take in selecting a home cleaning service. Sparkle Maids are experienced professionals you can rely on to clean beyond the surface, trust with
S商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Sparkle Maids

Desexing your dog Desexing or “spaying” of female dogs is an important routine surgery. We strongly recommend that all female dogs should be desexed, unless in exceptional circumstances.T
t寵物 / 獸醫taiwaiexotic

Hong Kong 1- Day Tour Duration: Approx. 12 hours Sight-seeing Spot 1.Golden Bauhinia Square 2.Kwai Chung Container Port - view from IVE – Tsing Yi Campus 3.Tsing Ma Bridge 4.<Avenue of Stars
M旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Matoon Travel Ltd

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards” Soren Kierkegaard The guiding force of my professional life is to find ever more effective ways for my clients to ov
M健康及醫療 / 康復Mind Matters
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